
Deepen your understanding of talent assessment tools. Sign up for one of our workshops to further develop your interpretation and feedback skills.
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Deepen your understanding of talent assessment tools. Sign up for one of our workshops to further develop your interpretation and feedback skills.
Find a workshop

Three simple steps
to improve
your skills

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Reserve your spot

Find the right workshop for you and purchase your desired number of tickets on Pixonality’s website.

Identify the participants

Once the tickets are purchased, you will be able to assign a participant ̶ whether yourself or a colleague. Pixonality’s team will reach out to you afterwards to complete the process in preparation for the event.


Any information you need will be communicated ahead of time by Pixonality’s team. All that will be left to do is learn and get better at using psychometric assessments.

The benefits


Some assessments are only accessible to certified individuals because they are more complex and dive deeper.


Extract even more valuable data from reports and make powerful connections between the assessed individual and their context.


Good data can only take you so far. Learn how to overcome common feedback issues, such as resistance.

Pixonality facilitates workshops on behalf of these partners

Discover Pixonality's partners
In the 1970s, Hogan established itself as a pioneer in psychometric assessments by creating the first personality inventories to predict job performance. Since then, Hogan’s footprint has gone global: almost 2 million tests have been conducted in over 50 countries.
For over 20 years, the Canadian company EPSI has been harnessing the expertise of human resource management and organizational psychology specialists to offer effective assessment solutions that integrate recent trends in psychometric assessment.