Hogan Assessment Certification - Advanced Feedback (English)
Hogan Assessment Certification - Advanced Feedback (English)
1-2 day(s)
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This workshop is designed for practitioners who want to receive more in-depth instruction and practice delivering effective Hogan feedback.
With this advanced certification, learn how to:
- Understand and apply 4 different feedback models types that can be used according to various contexts
- Highlight links between assessment results and job context in a powerful way
- Troubleshoot common tough issues, such as resistance to feedback
Conclude your training with supervised practicum to test your new knowledge and skills.
*To attend an Advanced Certification, the attendee must have attended the level 1 Hogan Certification. Advanced certifications are not included with the standard level 1 Hogan certification. In select cities only.
To optimize your learning experience, be sure to complete your registration two weeks before the certification so you have time to receive your training materials and prepare for the course.
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What is a workshop?
Workshops provide essential information on how to use these assessments, how to interpret the results and how to provide feedback to the assessed individual.
Why attend a workshop?
Workshops help users become more comfortable using talent assessments. They also help them avoid common mistakes when interpreting the results and sharing them with the assessed individual. In some cases, a workshop might be deemed necessary by the talent assessment provider (thus, obligatory before purchasing some of their assessments).
How do workshops work?
Some workshops are held in person, some are online and live, and others are available on demand online. Once you have signed up to attend in a workshop, you will be able to assign the participant (yourself or another individual) in My Account.