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Verify General Ability Screen

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Verify General Ability Screen


Since October 24, 2023, assessments are available for purchase through Pixonality’s new assessment management platform. Please contact us to set up your account. Read our FAQ to learn more!

Verify – General Ability Screen is an assessment used for job candidates applying to entry-level positions that require a basic level of general cognitive ability. The General Ability Screen is appropriate for entry-level roles across industries that include basic tasks. 

The General Ability Screen is administered Linear-on-the-Fly (LOFT). This test format uses Item Response Theory to administer unique yet psychometrically equivalent tests to all candidates. This administration method allows for:
- Ability to offer the test in an unsupervised setting
- A consistent testing experience for all candidates
- Increased accuracy at cut score between high and low performers

Frequently asked questions

What is a talent assessment?

A talent assessment is a series of activities to understand and predict an individual’s performance based on their work style, knowledge, skills, strengths, potential areas for improvement, job fit and task preferences.

Why use a talent assessment?

Talent assessments are crucial in helping organizations make better talent management decisions (hiring, coaching, promotion, job fit, etc.) because they go further than hard skills or experience.

How does a talent assessment work?

The talent assessments distributed by Pixonality comprise specific bundles of online questionnaires to be answered by an individual. They can complete those questionnaires when and where they want, as long as they have an internet connection. Once the individual has answered all the questionnaires for their assessment, a report is automatically generated and sent to you by email (you can also access it through your account).

What is the difference between questionnaire language and report language?

The assessment language is the language chosen by the individual who will be assessed for the completion of the questionnaires.
The report language is the language in which the report will be generated, regardless of the language chosen for the assessment.
You may notice that some languages available for reports are not necessarily available for the assessments, and vice versa!

After obtaining a report, how long are the psychometric results valid for?

The validity is psychometric results are estimated to last for approximately 24 months. An individual typically will not display any significant change on a questionnaire performed twice within less than 24 months. Therefore, it is recommended to wait that period before asking them to complete the same questionnaire again.

Associated solutions


Regular price
$ 26
Regular price
Sale price
$ 26


10 minutes

Context of use


Available languages for questionnaires



Others (please contact Pixonality)

Available languages for reports



Others (please contact Pixonality)

The following restriction applies: There are no restrictions to purchase and use this solution.