Stay tuned for the newest updates to Pixonality’s assessment management platform

Stay tuned for the newest updates to Pixonality’s assessment management platform

06 February, 2025

Pixonality is proud to unveil the latest features of its new assessment management platform!

In addition to a few enhancements, the platform is now SOC2 certified, meaning it meets the highest standards of security and data protection. You can find everything you need in one place to optimize how you track your projects and collaborate within your organization.

What’s new on the platform

Improved project management features
  • Project dashboard that provides the following information: confidentiality, number of participants, key dates, progress status, etc.
  • Option to add collaborators to a new confidential project
  • Detailed overview of each project including costs, participants and their progress, key dates, and default project settings.
  • Option to send reminders to participants who have yet to complete their assessments.
Streamlined process for adding participants to a project
  • Overview of participant profiles when adding them to a project: contact information, comments, type of assessment, invitations, timeline.
  • Option to set a deadline for completing an assessment from the time the invitation is sent.
Improved participant montioring: detailed profile overview
  • More complete overview of participant profiles and the option to view PDF reports in preview mode.
Assessment solutions catalogue at your fingertips
  • Detailed overview of the assessment solutions catalogue: links to product sheets with price lists, test durations, and languages.
Customization admin profile
  • Option to customize your admin profile to improve efficiency.
  • Assign and administer accesses to assessments within your organization.
Streamlined billing
  • Overview of invoices and transactions: option to filter and download.
Optimized participant assessment portal
  • Improved UX: more information on tests, completion time, and progress status.

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