Notice – Hogan: HPI and HDS norm upgrade and validity scale update

Notice – Hogan: HPI and HDS norm upgrade and validity scale update

08 August, 2023

We wish to inform you that Hogan, one of our assessment providers, recently updated some of its solutions.

With the aim of continually improving its assessment solutions, Hogan has upgraded the global norms of the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) and Hogan Development Survey (HDS) and updated the wording of the validity statements in its reports. The new norms have been in place since June 14, while the updates to the validity scale have been completed since August 2.

For more information on the upgrade of HPI and HDS global norms, please visit the FAQs published on the Hogan website.

For more information about the validity scale update, please see the letter sent by Hogan and the FAQs published on its website.

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