We are happy to announce that as of today, D-TECK becomes Pixonality to reflect its new direction: making organizational psychology accessible to all.
Meet Pixonality
Make smart talent management decisions by using the right assessment.
By bringing together talent management experts and talent assessment solution providers to its one-of-a-kind online store, Pixonality assists you and your organization in finding the right assessment solution for your talent-related objectives.
Pixonality helps users autonomously compare and choose the right assessment solution allowing talent management experts to better understand their current and future employees and improve the performance of key organizational factors such as productivity, employee satisfaction and employee turnover.
90+ talent assessment solutions. One online store.
Over the years, D-TECK has built strong partnerships with psychometric test suppliers from around the world. By bringing these partners together in a single offering, D-TECK has created an online shop with over 90 talent assessment solutions.
Offering solutions in a new way
Pixonality has been designed to cater to three types of solutions our partners trust us to distribute:
Assessments – Find the right assessment for your context and the desired job profile, whether for hiring, organizational development, coaching, promotion, or career management.
Workshops – Participate in training sessions facilitated by our experts to enhance your interpretation and feedback skills when using talent assessment solutions.
Platforms – Process high volumes of candidates or use other types of solutions that meet talent management needs with this flexible option.
A new digital experience
Of all the changes that will be introduced, the most notable will be the website: a fresh and updated design conceived to simplify your talent assessment shopping experience and the way you assign the assessments and trainings you choose. Talent management experts and clients will be able to visit pixonality.com as of October 5, 2021.
We are delighted and very proud of the upcoming changes. On behalf of the entire Pixonality team, thank you for your trust and partnership.
Contact Pixonality
For branding questions (including communications and use of logos or brand names), please write to marketing@pixonality.com.
For any questions about Pixonality’s solutions or any request for assistance, please write to info@pixonality.com.
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Want to learn more about Pixonality's new brand?
Download our rebranding brochure
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