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Hogan webinar - How to Fix Your Leadership Development Program

Hogan webinar

How to Fix Your Leadership Development Program

Date and time: Wednesday, March 29, 2023, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (EST) 

Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZSquCEjjT_uEVQCPd_vD3A  

Organizations spend more than $366 billion annually on leadership development worldwide. Yet 75% of them say their leadership programs are not very effective, and only 11% report having a strong succession plan to fill critical leadership roles. To make matters worse, more than two thirds of workers report that the worst part of their lives is their immediate boss. It’s clear that traditional leadership development programs aren’t working, but why?

This thought-provoking webinar will focus on seven common shortfalls of leadership development programs. You’ll get actionable advice to help expand your thinking about leadership, break down barriers in traditional programs, and create more impactful growth experiences for leaders. 

Join us on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, to learn the secrets to a successful leadership development program!  

Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/2216765772653/WN_ZSquCEjjT_uEVQCPd_vD3A

Hosted by:

Jag Nijjar
Business Development Director | Talent Assessment & Onboarding.

With a demonstrated professional history in the human resources industry, Jag is dedicated to client success. He has worked with hundreds of organizations to identify and unleash big data using tools to predict performance, contributing to the development and growth of leaders. 



Simón Castillo
Practice Manager | International Distributors at Hogan 

Simón serves his clients at Hogan Assessments as a practice manager in the international distributors department. He leads a global team of ten comprised of regional directors, senior consultants, and distributor support center specialists. An international consultant for Hogan since 2016, Simón has been responsible for assisting, promoting, and mentoring distributors and partners in Spanish-speaking countries. He provides commercial and technical support to distributors and their clients to incorporate personality-based assessments to measure skills, derailers, and values at different organizational levels (individual contributors, key performers, middle management, leadership roles, and high potentials). Simón also establishes product portfolio sales plans and facilitates Hogan Assessments certification workshops. 

With over 20 years of experience in the FMCG industry, Simón brings unique insight to internal client needs and requirements, as well as organizational and management development, training, and talent acquisition management. His achievements include the implementation of Hogan assessments in LATAM, serving as a Hogan coach for PepsiCo regional executives, implementation of ATS-Kenexa in the Andean region, organizational design implementation, and harmonization of labor relations to improve HR-KPI.